With the Blank Page Template you can build interesting out of the box pages like, coming soon or maintenance mode pages. You can use all the elements and shortcodes of a normal page, the only difference is that neither header nor footer are displayed.
[separator headline=»h2″ title=»Blank page template» style=»center» width_style=»short»]
[iconbox title=»Retina ready» icon=»fa-thumbs-o-up» style=»top_icon_circle» icon_color=»#ffffff» icon_bg_color=»#333333″ icon_bor_color=»#333333″ text_align=»center» frame=»framed»]Sed justo eros, cursus nec ultrices at, tristique eget nisi. Fusce congue vestibulum lacinia. at, placerat at leo. Donec sodales or. [/iconbox]
[iconbox title=»CLEAN DESIGN» icon=»fa-laptop» style=»top_icon_circle» icon_color=»#ffffff» icon_bg_color=»#333333″ icon_bor_color=»#333333″ text_align=»center» frame=»framed»]Sed justo eros, cursus nec ultrices at, tristique eget nisi. Fusce congue vestibulum lacinia. at, placerat at leo. Donec sodales or. [/iconbox]
[iconbox title=»FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE» icon=»fa-magic» style=»top_icon_circle» icon_color=»#ffffff» icon_bg_color=»#333333″ icon_bor_color=»#333333″ text_align=»center» frame=»framed»]Sed justo eros, cursus nec ultrices at, tristique eget nisi. Fusce congue vestibulum lacinia. at, placerat at leo. Donec sodales or. [/iconbox]